
Tracking Team

The tracking team has an enhanced evidence gathering capability that follows set methods and procedures. It is in no way spiritual or follows assumptions. All evidence is communicated, diarised, factual, measured, recorded, given a location/date/time stamp, and collected if required.
Any information discussed is clearly labelled as confirmed, substantive, or assumed. Assumed information will only be discussed if asked for and is not used in guiding the trackers activities unless authorised.

Pursuit Tracking

Pursuit style tracking is best attempted as soon as possible before evidence is compromised. This means that ideally QRAT should be a first responder  to minimise contamination of the site until our trackers have prosecuted the area.
If a direction of travel cannot be established, the capability of this team allows it to be utilised in many other functions. Uses for the team are limited only by the teams risk assessment of the request. The parameters that the team can operate in are, but not limited to;

Search and Rescue Team capabilities​

  • Multiday unsupported operations in extreme, remote areas. Ready reaction for up to 72hrs.
  • Direct pursuit tracking of Missing persons
  • Elimination of ground
  • Decent and ascent of cliffs or inaccessible locations
  • Static observation points
  • Establishment of remote communications repeaters or retrans stations
  • Advanced navigation and bushcraft skills
  • Laying of track traps in order to detect the movement of persons in an area
  • Establishing boundaries by investigating features and track traps
  • Safe guided insertion and extraction of teams into difficult terrain
  • Advisory services on methods of eliminating areas of interest
  • SAR HQ navigation advisor